
Boy Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. The Boy Scout plans his advancement and progresses at his own pace as he meets each challenge. The Boy Scout is rewarded for each achievement, which helps him gain self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a Boy Scout grow in self-reliance and in the ability to help others.


The Boy Scout program encourages boys to learn and practice leadership skills. Every Boy Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations. Understanding the concepts of leadership helps a boy accept the leadership role of others and guides him toward the citizenship aim of Scouting. 


Advancement Guide


Who can approve a Scout's advancement activities?


Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class


Scouts learn the principles of the Scout Oath and Law and skills associated with Scouting: knots, camping, cooking and first-aid. They gain experience in the outdoors, enhancing their self-confidence and teamwork skills.  Go to Boy Scouts Advancement and Awards  for detailed information.


Star, Life


Scouts practice leadership in the Troop and earn Merit badges, learning skills they take with them to adulthood as a profession or hobby. Go to Boy Scouts Advancement and Awards  for detailed information.


Scoutmaster Conference


When the Scout has completed all rank requirements except Scout Spirit, Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review, he is ready for his Scoutmaster conference. It is the responsibility of the Scout to schedule this with the Scoutmaster, and is normally held at a campout. During this conference, the Scoutmaster asks the Scout questions about his Scout skills and Scouting experiences. It is expected that the Scout prepare for these conferences by reviewing his previous advancement material. Here is a list of the questions.


Scout Spirit


At every Scoutmaster Conference, the Scout must show that he demonstrates Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in his everyday life. This is an essential part of a Scout's rank advancement and critical for his growth towards adulthood.


Board of Review

The Board of Review is the final step in earning rank advancement. It is the responsibility of the Scout to schedule this with adult leaders. It is normally held at a campout, but can be scheduled at other times. The board is normally composed of three Troop adult leaders that ask the Scout questions about his experiences with the Troop. The intent of the Board is to ensure that the Scouting program is meeting the needs of the Scouts.


Here is a list of sample Board of Review questions for advancement.


Immediately following the successful completion of the Board of Review, the Scout holds his new rank. He will receive his badge later, usually at a Troop meeting.




The Eagle Scout Workbook is no longer available in hardcopy.  It must be downloaded from here: Eagle Workbook Procedures


The Eagle project is the final hurdle a Scout faces on his path to the Eagle rank. It requires significant planning and leadership on the part of the Scout. The Eagle rank has extra advancement and documentation requirements. Here are some instructions on how to proceed: Eagle Flow Chart 


The scout may use the troop email distribution group to request assistance with their Eagle project and should adhere to the rules established for this process: Eagle Scout Emails


The Eagle Scoutmaster Conference requires complete documentation and certifications before it may be granted.  Here is an outline of what’s required: Eagle Scoutmaster Conference Outline 


The Eagle Board of Review is more extensive than that of previous ranks. The qualifications of the Scout are reviewed to ensure that the Scout has earned the rank. A District representative always attends this review.


Beyond Eagle


Eagle Palms


For every five merit badges beyond the Eagle requirements, a Scout can earn an Eagle Palm. See the Scout handbook for details.  


Eagle Palm Application Form


Order of the Arrow


The purpose of the Order is to recognize those campers -- Scouts and Scouters -- who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. A Scout must be First Class or higher and be an active camper to be eligible. Scouts are elected to the Order once each year by their fellow Scouts.


Junior Leadership Training


National Youth Leadership Training is a week- long outdoor experience for current and future troop leaders, utilizing the patrol method. It presents modern leadership skills that you will value throughout your life. These skills will be presented in multiple formats providing the opportunity for participants to live and practice these leadership skills. Essentially, the youth staff conducts all of the training. The course follows the National BSA National Youth Leadership Training curriculum and provides life skills that can be used in school, work, life, and of course your troop.


A Scout must be 13 years old and First Class or higher to attend.